Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Principle #17 Every effect has a cause and every cause has effects

Life is full of cause and effect reactions. Life at the cellular level is certainly no different. The TCA cycle is a very important chain of events that creates a large amount of energy that our body will need to survive. This chain of events is very closely regulated so that too much energy is not created and so that energy is created when the body is running low on energy.

These points of regulation are managed by product feedback. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase is the first regulator enzyme. When PDH performs its reaction, it will change pyruvate to acetyl CoA, this process will produce NADH or energy. This enzyme is regulated by this product, along with some others. If there is a high amount of NADH present then the effect of this would be to slow the TCA cycle down. If there is low NADH the cycle will speed up, thus producing more NADH.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself; why?

I've been seen by a chiropractor since a young age. My mother went before i was born and she continued to go after i was born and she started to take me as well. So for me, chiropractic care was a pretty normal thing, I didn't think there was anything extraordinary or special about it. Sure, it was cool when my back popped but I never had any huge problems that were fixed, nor did I have any huge revelations. At least not with myself.

My horse, Dan, started receiving adjustments after a recommendation from my trainer. I can't remember how long after he started getting adjusted that I noticed a difference, but his stride began to improve, his attitude got better and he started to gain fitness more easily. I do remember the day that I was watching the doctor adjust him that I realized that this was something that I could do and something that I wanted to do.
I'm not gonna lie, I had very little interest in practicing on people, I just wanted to be am equine chiropractor. However, I realized that I would have to become a human chiro before I could work on horses. It was a long road before I made it to Sherman, but these first two quarters have already taught me that chiropractic is so much than I ever imagined, and not only that but our bodies are incredible and we have this amazing ability to heal ourselves that is greater than anything we could ever create!